PRODUCTDehydrated Garlic

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Dehydrated Garlic Flakes with Root

A dried or dehydrated form of garlic that has been sliced into flakes or minced bits to be used as a cooking and flavoring ingredient. Also referred to as instant garlic, garlic flakes is often used in soups, sauces and stews

Appearance:garlic granules

Size:8-16 mesh/ 1.18-2.36mm

Flavor:Typical garlic flavor or extra pungent, no off-odor

Color:Milky white , yellowish



Ash:< 1%

Acid Insoluble Ash:<0.1%


SO2 Content:< 30ppm

Heavy metal:Absent


Total coliforms:negative

Total plate count:<100000cfu/g

Yeast and moulds:negative

E. coli:Negative