PRODUCTDehydrated Garlic

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Dehydrated Garlic Powder with Root

Dried Garlic powder is dehydrated ground garlic, and provides some of the flavor, but not the texture of fresh garlic. Dehydrated Garlic powder has all the benefits of whole garlic

Appearance:garlic powder
Size:100-120 mesh/ 0.125-0.150mm
Flavor:Typical garlic flavor or extra pungent, no off-odor
Color:Milky white , yellowish
Ash:< 1%
Acid Insoluble Ash:<0.1%
SO2 Content:< 30ppm
Heavy metal:Absent
Total coliforms:negative
Total plate count:<100000cfu/g
Yeast and moulds:negative
E. coli:Negative